As many of you know My family and I have gone on a little trip across the U.S. for our family vacation this year! so I thought that I would try to blog every night so you all could keep up with us so here it is day 4 and my first blog entry... oh well
Day one!
We got a late start today on our drive and so we ended up eating lunch in Evanston WY. it was like... the best! LOL
Here we are in front of the WY sign. I would just like to add that monkey man must have had some kind of mental lapse in judgement because he can not pose for a photo!
Too cool for hair by Buffalo in the park where we had our picnic lunch!
I think this is monkey man dead from the fire wagon? When I asked my kids one word that described Wyoming they told me weird rocks. and that about sums it up except for maybe Lincolns Head?
Here we are in front of the Nebraska sign, wow we are moving along quickly now! We stayed in a KOA in Grand Island we got in really late because of our late start! We pulled in after dark and we just planned on throwing out sleeping bags and sleeping under the stars, well, We went up to the door on the office to pick up our map and there were 10000 frogs on the side walk and grass! I about freaked out! wait who am I trying to kid! I totally freaked out, Needless to say my DH pitched the tent and we slept like babies.
Day 2
Here are some pics of monkey man on the great frog hunt the next morning, to bad no one told the frogs about his mad
mouse catching skills!
here is more of the hunt!
and here is the proud hunter!
So day 2 we drove again but I must tell ya I asked my kids to describe each state with one word and the word for Nebraska was Stinky, I agree but would perhaps add Froginfested! Iowa is the next state we passed through and the kids said that one was farms. For some reason I don't have a picture of the sign
So here we are in front of a
Danish Windmill. My mom (who is the reason I am hair obsessed) and I really enjoyed this, due to the fact that we have a lot of danish blood in our family.
here is Too Cool For Hair posing as Hans Christian Andersen, I think he was missing off of the statue base for some reason.
I think the family that plunders together stays together? LOL Nice pigtails DH!
Here we are coming into Illinois, The road was crazy busy and we had just crossed the Mississippi, so We just got a picture of the sign. the one word for Illinois is more farms
playing at a park for lunch
boom boom firepower!
We stayed at a KOA in South Bend Indiana, where I took a shower and now look at my hair!!!!!!!!!!!!! so this being a hair blog if anyone has any tips for hair with high humidity PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!
Petting the goat Sonny Donny or Jonny, he didn't answer to any of the names so we don't know what one he is
We took a quick trip to Michigan, (like a block off the freeway) So we could say we went there!
Monkey man is still how can I say this nicely? Weird.....Yep Weird
and check out my mop!
its 11:00 I will work on this more tomorrow