Wednesday, May 30, 2012

tied pigtails

These are so simple, I really should have just done a video to show you but with baby Mermaids Touretts it stresses her out and then we have crazy jumping coughing here are step by step pictures!
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Section out the very front piece of hair and have your darling assistant hold it,
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Then take the same piece from the other side,hair and st patrics 795
and hook it to the piece from the other side where you want your pigtail to start
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then you just repeat hooking it on the other sidehair and st patrics 805hair and st patrics 806
Then you take the next section, across and under the pigtail to hook on the far pigtail
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Keep going and your done!


Addislopez said...

Oh! My daughter's hair is just short for a bun, so I just left a ponytail after the braid and she is loving it. Thanks!!

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History Of Pictures of Tayyab Khakan said...

I like your whole blog. so nice style

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