I am a stay at home mom with four kids. Three girls and one little boy! I love my kids to have perfect hair, or as close as I can get to it. I am by no means a hair proffesional, just a obsessed mom! Thanks for looking at my blog!
Book Worm, My adorable 17 year old, previously known as Too Cool For Hair. but now she thinks My hair skills are rad, so I am naming her after her other love, books!
The little princess
Little princess is my girlie girl, she insists on bows fluff and all things "pretty" She is always calm, relaxed and easy going! man, I love this girl!
I got this hairdo from the Babes in Hairland girls! She has waay better instructions than what I did here, because I thought why mess with a great tutorial!
So here are the pictures of our hair do,
and here is some Too Cool for Hair silly pics! I am glad I have such patient kids to sit still while I mess with their hair and then take pics for ever!
She is my cute little bugga that thought that when her hair got down to her bum that she would turn into a mermaid and live in my bathtub! Now she is a big 11 year old and just loves her hair!
Monkey Man
my little guy, after having three girls is quite the change! He is all boy most of the time! he is into any thing cool or dangerous, including his clothes and Hair, so I will post boy tutorials every once in a while!
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